Thursday 15 January 2015




                 The much sought-after storehouse of the latest statistical data and relevant encyclopedia, “Global Tea Digest 2014” (GTD) was released at the office of Global Tea Brokers (GTB) in Coonoor on Dec 29, 2014.

                  Annually, GTD free publication has become possible thanks to GTB.  

“This valuable document for decision making at the highest level bridges the hiatus in management information on tea industry and trade”, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests and Managing Director of state-Government undertaking TANTEA A S Jafry told me after releasing GTD.

“This 172-page publication contains 96 Tables, 16 graphs and authentic information on tea tasting, glossary, grades, harmonised system coding and chronology of important developments”, Chairman of Coonoor Tea Trade Association Ramesh Bhojarajan, who received the first copy, said.

“This is our fourth volume.  As before, it is being issued free as our dedication to industry”, GTD publisher Rajesh Gupta, who is Managing Director of GTB, noted. 

“Global tea leaders have hailed our previous editions as the only publication of its kind”, GTB President N Sriram said.

“We update data from authentic global sources all through the year”, GTB Senior Manager Senthil Kumar added.

===========FASCINATING FACTS===========

Did you know that tea comes in the form of ball, brick or tablet?  The Central Board of Excise and Customs in Union Finance Ministry has accorded specific coding for such tea for taxation.

“As facts about tea are as fascinating as the very beverage, we have included such less-known authentic details in ‘Global Tea Digest 2014’ (GTD), just released and now under circulation worldwide”, GTD publisher Rajesh Gupta told me.

Tea was aristocratic drink in early years.  In 2737 BC, China’s emperor Shen Nung called tea as ‘divine healer’.  In Japan, during 648-749 AD, tea was expensive available only to top priests and royal family.  During Sung Dynasty in China, tea pottery was introduced to honour tea drinking.  And Japan introduced ‘tea ceremonies’ in 1422.  In 1635, tea became royal drink in Dutch courts.

 In 1622, when Charles II married tea drinking Catherine Braganza from Portugal, tea caught up and alcohol consumption declined in Europe! 

‘Afternoon Tea’ concept was introduced by 7th Duchess of Bedford in early 19th century when she used tea with cakes and sandwiches to overcome hunger between lunch and dinner!

Some tea tasting terminologies are queer – ‘brassy tea’ has metallic taste, ‘woody’ has saw-dust character, ‘nose tea’ has dry leaf smell and ‘fruity tea’ is ‘unpleasantly over-ripe’.

‘Gunpowder’ is young tea rolled into pellets.  ‘Handkerchief tea’ gets its name from Formosa Island growers using handkerchief to collect fine tea. ‘Meat tea’ is another term for ‘high tea’ working class in Britain enjoy.  ‘Russian tea’ is lemon tea.  There is also ‘pan-fried’ tea in Japan.

                             Additional PCCF and TANTEA MD Jafry releasing GTD 2014::

                              Additional PCCF and TANTEA MD Jafry (right extreme) releasing GTD 2014 with CTTA Chairman Ramesh Bhojarajan (left extreme) receiving the first copy in the presence of (l-r) Sri Ram, Rajesh Gupta and Senthil Kumar:: 

                              Dedicating to the tea world::

                             And, this is the publication::

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