Thursday 5 October 2017

PRICES -- 9:



Tea prices in public auctions in all countries so far this calendar have increased over the corresponding period of 2016 except in North India, reveals our analysis of the Market Reports of various auction centres across the globe.

Sri Lankan teas have fetched the highest average price of US $ 4.06 a kg, significantly higher than $ 2.80 got in 2016.

Rwanda teas came next at $ 3.15 a kg, up from $ 2.49 in 2016.

Kenyan teas got $ 2.99 a kg, up from $ 2.38 in 2016, while Bangladesh got $ 2.32, up from $ 2.15.

All others got less than $ 2 a kg.   Indian teas fetched an average price of $ 1.91, almost flat to $ 1.90 got in 2016.   Here, South Indian average price rose to $ 1.58 a kg from $ 1.54 but North Indian prices dropped to $ 2.01 from $ 2.06.

In the South, all auction centres posted a higher average price except Coonoor.   Kochi got $ 1.84 (2016: $ 1.74), Coimbatore $ 1.52 ($1.46), Coonoor $ 1.38 down from $ 1.43.   Teaserve in Coonoor fetched the world’s lowest average price of $ 1.31 a kg ($ 1.24).

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