Friday 10 February 2017


NILGIRI TEA PRODUCTION UP 26% IN                                      JANUARY



Tea production in January in The Nilgiris, the largest tee growing district in South India, has increased 26 per cent over January 2015.

Tea companies have reported to Tea Board that their production last month totalled 0.82 million kg (mkg) against 0.65 mkg in January 2015.

This increase of 0.17 mkg marked a growth of 26.15 per cent.

Favourable weather contributed to increased cropping and manufacturing levels.  All agro-climatic zones in the Nilgiris received a higher rainfall last month than in January 2016 and even the decennial (10-year) average for the month.   Tea scientists said that soil temperature and moisture, humidity and sunshine period – all were favourable in most agro-climatic zones. 

The five-year average production for January was 0.87 mkg.  This meant that the production declined by 5.75 per cent over the five-year average.

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