Sunday 10 January 2016




A new chapter in voluntary health welfare for plantation workers in the Nilgiris was opened on January 9, 2016, with Avataa Beverages throwing open free treatment for restoring hearing to the deaf.

“As part of our corporate social responsibility, we are committed to creating deafness-free society in plantations.  For this, we have linked with Chennai-based Madras ENT Research Foundation (P) Ltd., (MERF) through whom, high-cost hearing restoration surgeries will be done free-of-cost to eligible patients”, Avataa Executive Director G Udayakumar told me.

“This is first of its kind in the health welfare for plantation labour this side.   To begin with, we conducted a special camp at Billimalai Estate, some 10 kilometres from Coonoor, on January 9 when MERF specialists examined hearing impaired workers and their wards from many estates from the Nilgiris and elsewhere”, he said.

“We have identified one child for cochlear implant surgery and have referred many for detailed investigation at our satellite centre in Coimbatore for necessary further treatment.  We will have regular follow-up sessions.  We shall be happy to extend free treatment for deserving patients from all plantations”, MERF Chief Audiologist R Ranjith told me.

Thanks to Tamil Nadu Government extending the fiscal support for high-cost surgeries for restoring hearing to the deaf, MERF has offered its expert services to plantation labour.

“One out of every 500 children born in India is deaf and half of them is due to consanguinity arising from close relative marriage of parents.   Such children are dumb as well.  Increase in cases of acquired deafness among those born healthy is also seen”, R Ranjith told me.  

“The truth is that hearing can be restored in all such cases but the cost is high.  The happy news is that the Chief Minister Comprehensive Health Scheme is available to those treated by MERF.  Under this scheme, each patient is getting Rs 7.5 lakh for cochlear implant.  In those cases where brain stem implant is done, Chief Minster has supported with fiscal assistance to an extent of Rs 18 lakh”, he disclosed.

“Two weeks after such implant, the patient is fitted with external hearing device.  The patients is imparted ‘auditory habilitation training’ twice a week for one year to tone up listening skills.  The entire treatment is offered free-of-cost to the patient”, he noted.

“MERF, under the guidance of Padmashri Awardee Dr Mohan Kameswaran, is performing five implants daily.  MERF is the first institution in Asia to actively perform brain stem implant surgeries.  Since the introduction of the Chief Minister Comprehensive Health Scheme for cochlear implant in 2013, MERF has conducted about 1,000 implants.  Besides, about 3,000 successful implants have been done outside the scheme as well”, Ranjith said.

“To help patients, MERF has opened satellite centres in many places and so patients need not travel to Chennai.   Some such centres are near plantation areas also.   These satellite centres are equipped with necessary infrastructure and technical staff including auditory habitationist, audiologist, speech and language therapist”, he disclosed.

“For that matter, MERF has opened activities all over India and in some other countries including Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Nigeria.  Details can be had over phone: 09940016610”, Ranjith pointed out.

In this backdrop of assurance to restore hearing in almost every case of contentious (at birth) hearing impaired and acquired hearing impaired caused to normal babies as they grow due to various factors, there seems to be no logic in allowing schools for hearing impaired to function.   These children should be supported with hearing restoration and merged with the mainstream of education.    To begin with, plantations can create a deafness-free community in estates.  To that extent, the initiative of Avataa Beverages marks a welcome start for 2016.   

For that matter, 2016 has given a good start to speciality tea sector in which Avataa is a major player.

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  1. Fantastic coverage, thank you, sir.

  2. Fantastic coverage, thank you, sir.

  3. Manoj Archald wrote.. Nice move

  4. Godfrey Johson wrote .. Deserving ..

  5. Maju Abraham, Joseph Selva Kumar, Poorna Chandar, P V Balaji, Arun Karunakaran, Velu Vignesswar, T Minnie Isaac, Dethan Punalir, Erys SamiajiRisasono and S Shyamala like this.

  6. Dear Sir,
    Thank for sending me the article. There were so many articles in the past, but this one is more clear and precise. It onle shows that you are a sought after journalist. As discussed and promised, we will be happy to collaborate with NGO of Nilgris for further charity services for building "Deafness free Society". Prof .Mohan Kameswaran also appreciated your effort, as i had mentioned to you several times he is a great visionary and a guiding force in all the activities for eradicating deafness in the society.
    With regards and best wishes
    Thank you
